Our Ministries
Worship Ministries
Worship is the heart of our faith community. Our liturgy represents our diversity and the spirit of joy that comes from opening our hearts to God. We believe that Jesus’s hospitality transformed the lives of many and we seek to offer that same hospitality inviting all persons in to experience God’s love and to be welcomed as Christ. Ministers of Worship are made up of those in our congregation who serve on Altar Guild, Acolyte (carrying the cross, banners and torch bearers, and helping with elements at the altar), Flower Guild, Lectors (reading scriptural passages), Lay Eucharistic Ministers (chalice bearers), Usher/Greeters, and Aloha Ministry (welcoming visitors and newcomers with handmade leis), gardening ministers, and Children and Youth Ministers (requires “Safeguarding God’s Children” course taught by a licensed provider). If you are interested in serving in the above ministries, please let us know. |
For more about the history of this Community Meal at St. James’ and at St. Columba’s, click here.
Volunteers and contributions are needed for the monthly Community Meal at St. Columba's. Please contact the Parish Office at [email protected] |