Our Priest
The Rev. Linda LundgrenOur priest is the Rev. Linda Lundgren. Rev. Linda is part of our parish clergy team which includes the clergy of the congregations of St. James’ Church, Waimea, and the Beach Mass, Kawaihae.
Linda accepted the call to become the priest associate for St. Columba’s Church in the fall of 2016. Prior to this, Linda, and her husband, Bob, had served as part of our visiting clergy program, coming several times to be in residence. The congregation of St. Columba’s and our parish ‘ohana as a whole fell in love with them and they felt a call to serve more permanently in Hawai‘i. They sold their home in Minnesota to come to be with us. They return to Minnesota for the summer months. During their time away (typically June, July and August), we have visiting clergy in residence. |
Rev. Linda was ordained on June 18, 1994. She and Bob have been married for many years and have two sons and three grandchildren. Before coming to be our priest associate, Linda served as part of the Spirit of the Lakes Total Ministry Team for 20+ years and as she states, “enjoyed every moment of my ministry. I have watched the Spirit move within these parishes, Trinity, Hermantown and St. Andrews’, Cloquet, and I am thrilled and honored to be able to watch the Spirit move within St. Columba’s Church as well. The opportunity to come worship with the good folks of St. Columba’s is a wonderful gift given to me by the Spirit. Please do not hesitate to give me a call if you need pastoral help or just need to chat. I am also a Certified Spiritual Director if needed in that capacity.
Blessings to all of you as you are blessing me!”
Blessings to all of you as you are blessing me!”
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